Le petit flambeau

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FPÖ rally in Linz (1st of May 2019)

Harald Vilimsky, head of the list of the FPÖ for the European elections

Harald Vilimsky, head of the list of the FPÖ for the European elections

The Austrian far-right party, FPÖ, held as usual a rally in Linz for the Labor Day, in the middle of a funfair. Next to the roller coaster and behind the Ferris wheel  you could find the beer tent (Bierzelt) and from 9am to 1pm, more than thousands FPÖ activists and sympathisants. The leader, Heinz-Christian Strache, explained they were celebrating the Labor Day “as Austrian patriots, conscientiously in red-white-red because it the expression of [their] love to the fatherland” (see 1:19’30 in this video).

A few fotos and videos are sometimes better than words …

2 Mai 2019 Posted by | Autriche, Europe, FPÖ, Uncategorized | , , , | Laisser un commentaire